The Home Care and Community Health Support Pocketbook was created to bring awareness to several health and safety issues faced in home and community care.
In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
The Province has introduced a new masking policy for all healthcare workers who provide direct care effective immediately. Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that […]
Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that masking is just one part of a comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPAC) strategy. To enhance your efforts, […]
We explored the nature and severity of workplace bullying amongst care aides working in long-term care homes. Explore the infographic to see what we learned.
We explored the nature and severity of workplace bullying amongst care aides working in long-term care homes. Explore the infographic to see what we learned.
Dementia is an umbrella term with many subtypes such as Alzheimer’s disease, vasculardementia and frontal-temporal dementia. The most common type (64%) is Alzheimer’s disease.
What is workplace incivility? Ever walk away from work feeling exhausted, not because of the tasks, but because of how people treated each other? A dismissive comment, a silent snub, or a passive-aggressive email that lingers. These moments may seem small, but they slowly chip away at your energy and focus. This is workplace incivility, […]
This webinar will provide you with a strategy for making it easier to participate in difficult conversations and respond to the difficult questions that often arise in healthcare settings. Exploring the VERS method (VERS: validate, explore, respond and share)
In the healthcare industry, teamwork is essential for providing quality patient care. However, promoting teamwork can be a challenge, the infographic bellow will share some tips on how to promote teamwork.
We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.
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