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Resources & Tools

Resources and Tools

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The annual member survey helps us respond to your health and safety needs through relevant, quality, and timely education and programming.
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In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
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Programs & Services

Programs and Services

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Leading from the Inside Out
Leading from the Inside Out waitlist
Guidelines & Regulations

Guidelines and Regulations

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WorkSafeBC’s healthcare and social services planned inspection initiative focuses on high-risk activities in the workplace that lead to serious injuries and time-loss claims.
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WorkSafeBC is releasing a discussion paper with proposed amendments to the Current Rehabilitation Services and Claims Manual that guide wage rate decisions related to short-term and long-term disability compensation. Recommended amendments include: These changes may affect your claims costs. Click here to view the proposed changes and offer feedback to WorkSafeBC – The deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, […]
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Safe Resident and Client Handling Policy

Musculoskeletal injuries related to resident handling are the number one cause of injury in long term care. Back strains alone account for 30% of all work-related injuries reported; other strains account for 44%.

Musculoskeletal injuries related to resident handling are the number one cause of injury in long term care. Back strains alone account for 30% of all work-related injuries reported; other strains account for 44%.

Studies have clearly demonstrated that injury rates among care workers can be significantly reduced by increasing the use of mechanical lifts and restricting manual resident handling by care workers2,3,4. Moreover, studies looking at the manual lifting of residents have found that the effort required to do so routinely exceeds care workers biomechanical capacities2,5,6.

In addition to this, transitioning from a manual to lift-based transfer system is safer and more comfortable for residents and is associated with fewer violent or aggressive resident behaviour incidents1,3. Safe Resident Handling policies can reduce the risk the musculoskeletal injuries by establishing a ‘no-lift’ approach as the standard operating procedure.


SafeCare BC (2015). SafeCare BC Members – Injury Trends Profile by Organization Size.

2 Collins, J., Wolf, L., Bell, J., Evanoff, B. (2004). An evaluation of a “best practices” musculoskeletal injury prevention program in nursing homes. Injury Prevention, 10, 206-211.

3 Pompeii, L., Lipscomb, H., Schoenfisch, A., Dement, J. (2009). Musculoskeletal injuries resulting from patient handling tasks among hospital workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 52(7), 571-578.

Provincial Residential Care Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Team. Provincial Safe Resident Handling Standards for Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention in British Columbia.

5  Nelson, A., Lloyd, J., Menzel, N., Gross, C. (2003). Preventing nursing back injuries: Redesigning patient handling tasks. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal, 51(3), 126-134.

6 De Castro, A. (2004). Handle with care: The American Nurses Association’s campaign to address work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 9(3).

Safe Client Handling Policy Template
Safe Resident Handling Policy Template
Safe Resident and Client Handling Policy

Additional Resources

Developing a Safe Handling program for your organization doesn’t have to be hard. It begins with five steps.
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WorkSafeBC’s healthcare and social services planned inspection initiative focuses on high-risk activities in the workplace that lead to serious injuries and time-loss claims.
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We are dedicated to providing comprehensive occupational health and safety (OHS) consulting services tailored to your needs.
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Musculoskeletal Injuries are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries, such as sprains and strains, in both long-term care and community health support services.
View Safety Topic

More Templates

A Secondment Agreement is a formal arrangement between SafeCare BC, a Sponsoring Organization, and an employee of a Sponsoring Organization referred to as a Peer Facilitator.
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Use this template to build your monthly budget.
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Resources Related to 

Safe Handling Peer Coach Training Workshop
Haven Hill Retirement Centre - Penticton
July 4th @ 8:30am
Starting at $100
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There are some essential things to remember to ensure proper care and assistance for residents.
View Webinar
Safe Handling Peer Coach Training Workshop
Arrowsmith Lodge - Parksville,
April 29th @ 8:30am to 4:30pm
Starting at $100
View Workshop
Haro Park Centre is a campus of care located in the West End of Vancouver, offering independent housing, assisted living and residential care to senior citizens. Haro Park has a number of innovative programs and initiatives in place to promote a positive culture of safety.
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©2024 SafeCare BC | All rights reserved.
We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.