Using iPads or other devices, staff can set up facetime/video call visits for residents and their families.
Submitted by St. Joseph's Villa of Sudbury
During the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions have been placed on visits to long-term care homes. This means residents do not get to see their family members as often as the once did. To mitigate this, care homes can use technology to have a virtual visit. This not only improves mental health for residents, but it also decreases risk of infection from allowing visitors in.
Video calls set up using iPads or other similar devices. New technology can be challenging for residents to adapt to.
Extremely positive reaction. From CBC article: After nearly two months with no visitors, use of the iPads for video calls has “skyrocketed,” says program coordinator Angie Gilchrist. She says more and more residents are embracing technology — and other ways of staying connected with loved ones from a distance.
These types of visits have no risk of infection for staff or residents.