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Resources & Tools

Resources and Tools

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The Home Care and Community Health Support Pocketbook was created to bring awareness to several health and safety issues faced in home and community care.
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In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
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Programs & Services

Programs and Services

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Leading from the Inside Out
Leading from the Inside Out provides a safe space for leaders in continuing care to share their challenges and learn self-care practices.
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The Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum is recognized as best-practice in violence prevention training for health care workers.
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Guidelines & Regulations

Guidelines and Regulations

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The Province has introduced a new masking policy for all healthcare workers who provide direct care effective immediately. Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that […]
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Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that masking is just one part of a comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPAC) strategy. To enhance your efforts, […]
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Innovation Hub

Stretch and Exercise Rooms

Renovate an underused amenity room into a workout room at site for employee use at no charge that is available 24/7.


  1. Renovate an underused amenity room into a workout room at site for employee use at no charge that is available 24/7.
  2. Implement “Stretch Zone” stations throughout the building in all departments.
  3. Safety Huddles for each department at the beginning of each shift.
Innovation Idea Details
How does your idea improve workplace health and safety?

Our goal is to have staff participation in their physical safety become our # 1 priority by making it a focus on every shift and at every meeting. “Safety Huddles” will focus each individual on the importance of team in work. We believe that employees family lives will improve due to decreased stress levels. As well, by allowing family members to use our gym at no cost our staff’s family physical and emotional health can improve and family togetherness through exercising together is made possible. Vantage Living intends to reduce staff injuries and improve staff physical and mental wellbeing.

How did you implement this idea?

Stretching and exercise are both key factors in reducing injury. Offering no-charge easy workplace access to exercise and stretch before, during and after work will significantly improve the overall fitness and flexibility of our staff. We know that warming up muscles before physical work begins decreases muscle strain from occurring. By having “Stretch Zones” that are easy to locate where staff can participate in short and effective stretching exercises, staff will be better prepared to handle the muscle strain that comes with working with resident’s in a LTC setting.

What has been the impact on workplace health and safety?

This is a culture shift for Vantage Living. Reports show that within long-term care HCA’s are at the highest risk for injuries at work. We want to foster a culture where safety and the staff’s physical and emotional health is the most important focus every day and on every shift. Our goal is to improve the physical wellbeing of the staff and more importantly their mental wellbeing and thereby reduce workplace injury and illness and significantly increase resiliency. We expect to improve communication through Safety Huddles and awareness of resident’s that pose a higher risk for aggression.

Cost & Resources
What was the initial set up cost?
What are the on-going costs?
Other staffing resources required:
Gym Equipment

Other Safety Innovations

JeoParody uses a PowerPoint Jeopardy template to plug in questions and answers related to health and safety training. It takes otherwise boring meetings and turns them into an engaging competition—all while hitting educational outcomes.
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You Matter App
You Matter is a modern app created for all smart devices—it is the epitome of trying to keep up with all the technological changes in our society. When You Matter was created, the idea was based on appealing to both modernization and convenience for our members. Most of our members (and everyone else in the […]
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This innovative dashboard provides all workers with a live update on important health and safety related issues.
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The Active Living Program is a restorative care program. The program has been running for ten years. Each Restorative Care Worker (there are 3, one per floor) is assigned to one of Broadway Lodge's neighbourhoods and through their knowledge and skills as Restorative Care Workers (RCWs), they support residents to maintain strength, balance, flexibility, and […]
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Handicare’s EvaDrive allows residents and clients to be transferred with a gentle push of the fingertips.
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Tabor Village has a number of programs in place to encourage positive health and safety habits in the workplace.
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This is a tool for care workers to ensure that they are providing safe, person-directed care through a quick at-the-bedside assessment.
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The Sling Program at Haro Park is a process of managing slings within the care home to ensure staff and resident safety during transfers and efficiency of work flow.
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Haro Park Centre is a campus of care located in the West End of Vancouver, offering independent housing, assisted living and residential care to senior citizens. Haro Park has a number of innovative programs and initiatives in place to promote a positive culture of safety.
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To encourage and improve both workplace safety education and online learning compliance, Eden Gardens is introducing the “Passport for Safety – Canadian Edition Eh?”
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A debrief exercise template, which includes an Incident debrief form along with an investigation and corrective action checklist.
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The Gotcha Safety Awards is a campaign to ‘catch’ colleagues in the act of performing an act or task safely.
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The Swift Slider is a friction reducing device to assist with patient/resident repositioning, boosting and turning in bed.
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Chilliwack Society for Community Living has enrolled in the WorkSafeBC Certificate of Recognition (COR) initiative that encourages an occupational health and safety management system that goes beyond the current legal requirements.
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The idea is to consider the middle day of the week- WEDNESDAY as the day of wellness at workplace. The Site or Floor Manager to take the lead and do a particular wellness activity with their team members.
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Using iPads or other devices, staff can set up facetime/video call visits for residents and their families.
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Our low-tech safety idea is the creation of a ‘luggage tag’ style ID for a resident’s walker or wheelchair.
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Custom made scratch off tickets given out to team members that are acting in a safe manner.
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At the Hamlets there was an issue identified where the relative Health Authorities cohorted N95 material (Specifically 3M product). This is still the case today.
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Our Employee-created program “Ten Minutes to Relaxation” was the dream of one of our HCWs. Flordeliza wanted a program for staff that featured Exercise to keep fit and work safely with the residents and staff, an academic program, and a community-supportive idea to welcome all without judgement or bullying.
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Renovate an underused amenity room into a workout room at site for employee use at no charge that is available 24/7.
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A committee designed to engage all staff in the development and implementation of new strategies to improve safety and care.
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SHAPEDOWN! A staff wellness initiative: participants agree to make 2 healthy changes to their diet and participate in a minimum of 3, 30 minute exercise sessions per week above their regular activity level.
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The Sailing for Safety program aims to increase participation in education and decrease work-related injuries to staff.
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We are creating safety posters for each department. These posters will have many safety fails in them, to be spotted by our staff. Each department will prepare their space with some safety issues that are frequently spotted in their areas. Staff will submit their entries for best poster, and point out the safety fails.
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These bright (very visible) vests allow team members to see and understand safety inspections happening around the workplace. In addition, the vests have also helped teach employees who have English as a second language, to understand the importance.
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Our Safety Star Program creates safety leaders throughout our care home, integrating a safety culture into the day-to-day actions of our entire team.
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Create customized and color-coded flash cards to streamline the education process for safety procedures in the home! Noticed the inefficient outcomes that we’ve had for each of our fire drills and discovered the main reason for this was that the staff did not know what to do.
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To increase overall safety awareness, we have created a safety game similar to Jeopardy, with four categories, each with three questions, and each of our six communities competes to win our safety drills with new questions every month.
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Promote wellness and quality of life for residents and team members, recognize skill and courage of the team, properly grieve beloved residents that passed away.
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The Provizio SEM Scanner, is a non-invasive device with rapid results that compares SEM measurements across an anatomical site and reports the difference between values at the inflamed vs. healthy tissue site.
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The patient identification band with colour coding is intended for every resident and acts as a helpful way to track and identify residents. For example, the red ID band represents residents who have Alzheimer's disease.
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On-The-Right-Track Hookless Patient Cubicle Curtains is a safer and more infection control solution to patient privacy curtains when compared to the traditional option.
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Compact cabinet that controls the onsite storage and distribution of medications (especially narcotics) and high-value supplies.
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At Eden Gardens we had a great idea to increase safety in our care home for people living with dementia. We have created an in-house safety video library.
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The Fears and Solutions initiative is about starting a dialogue. Using a blank poster to fill out, staff and students are asked two questions: “What are you afraid of?” and “What are you going to about it?”
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In Health Care incivility among coworkers/different shifts/departments can cause workers a great deal of stress and hostility in the workplace. There is a culture in healthcare that is a ‘sink or swim’ mentality rather than a working together and helping each other out. I have worked in healthcare for 27 years as a care aide.
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Based on the 8 pillars of Holistic Health (Emotional, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Occupational, Physical, Intellectual, Envirnomental) Research has shown that Long Term Care Workers are going to be particularly susceptible to getting sick as they have been functioning in a high state of stress and anxiety over the past two years.
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©2025 SafeCare BC | All rights reserved.
We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.