A committee designed to engage all staff in the development and implementation of new strategies to improve safety and care.
The Staff Continuous Quality Committee engages front-line staff and takes from their experiences to develop and improve policies and procedures related to safety.
The front-line staff are the ones who know the type of challenges they face on a daily basis, so it is pivotal to include them in discussions on how to make improvements.
The Committee — comprised of staff from various departments — meets monthly for about 30 minutes. The Committee provides a forum for staff to bring forward concerns and ideas in a way that’s proactive, improves quality, and enhances everyone’s safety.
Each department shares their own perspective and ideas to come up with solutions related to policies, procedures, and general safety.
A poster called the Quality Improvement Corner was also established to serve as a visual reminder for staff, residents and visitors.
Many improvement ideas continue to come from staff and the Committee has had a big impact on Normanna’s culture and engagement, because the staff know they are being heard and respected.