Risk assessment involves considering how potential hazards may harm workers and how severe that harm may be. Planning the appropriate amount of attention and control allows the implementation of controls to reduce risk.
Employers should follow a particular order when assessing risk. First, they should address the most significant risk using the hierarchy of controls. In the hierarchy, elimination of the hazard—by physically removing it—is the most effective control. Relying on personal protective equipment is the last line of defence and the least effective.
Some other areas to consider are violence prevention, infection prevention and control, and safe handling of residents and clients. We have developed resources to help in these areas.
One type of quick and informal risk assessment is a point-of-care risk assessment, a strategy that healthcare workers can use for any interaction by assessing their surroundings. This methodical approach can improve workers' personal safety and the quality of care for their residents. We provide resources on this, including a worksheet and reference card.