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Resources & Tools

Resources and Tools

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The Home Care and Community Health Support Pocketbook was created to bring awareness to several health and safety issues faced in home and community care.
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In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
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Programs & Services

Programs and Services

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Leading from the Inside Out
Leading from the Inside Out provides a safe space for leaders in continuing care to share their challenges and learn self-care practices.
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The Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum is recognized as best-practice in violence prevention training for health care workers.
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Guidelines & Regulations

Guidelines and Regulations

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The Province has introduced a new masking policy for all healthcare workers who provide direct care effective immediately. Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that […]
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Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that masking is just one part of a comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPAC) strategy. To enhance your efforts, […]
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Managing Chronic Pain

In this webinar, we’ll explore the nature and profound impact of chronic pain in the workplace. We’ll also analyze factors contributing to chronic pain and share evidence-based, practical strategies specifically tailored for caregivers. We hope to empower caregivers with occupation-specific insights and equip them with tools to prevent, manage, or address chronic pain in their crucial roles.

Chronic pain, defined as pain lasting for more than three months, is a condition that affects 20-40% of adults around the world. According to WorkSafe BC, chronic pain ranks as the second leading cause of workers’ compensation claims, trailing only mental health disorders. Although anyone can experience chronic pain, research highlights that some occupations are at a higher risk of experiencing it and caregiving is one of them.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the nature and profound impact of chronic pain in the workplace. We’ll also analyze factors contributing to chronic pain and share evidence-based, practical strategies specifically tailored for caregivers. We hope to empower caregivers with occupation-specific insights and equip them with tools to prevent, manage, or address chronic pain in their crucial roles.

Participants will learn how to:

Understand and describe the forces influencing the experience of chronic pain.
Identify factors that have the potential to exacerbate or alleviate chronic pain.
Create personal strategies for preventing or managing chronic pain.


Presented by

Dr. Duygu Gulseren works as an assistant professor at the School of Human Resource Management at York University, Canada. As an expert in healthy work, she studies chronic pain and leadership. She also teaches occupational health and safety. Duygu obtained her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She also holds a master’s degree in psychology and a bachelor’s degree in chemical and Biological Engineering. Prior to her academic career, Duygu worked as an HR consultant. In addition to her academic publications, her research has appeared in various media outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Psychology Today, and Canadian HR Reporter.

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We're all told to practice gratitude, but it can feel impossible to find anything to be thankful for when life gets overwhelming.   Genuine gratitude doesn't mean ignoring your struggles or forcing a smile when things are hard. It means recognizing the good, even when things are difficult. It's a shift in perspective that can change […]
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WorkSafeBC's resource page for bullying and harassment.
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At first, it’s just a dull ache, something you can ignore. A sore back from work or a stiff wrist from too much typing. No big deal, right?  But then, the pain lingers. Simple tasks become frustrating. A night of poor sleep turns into weeks of exhaustion. You stop doing the things you love because […]
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We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.