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Resources & Tools

Resources and Tools

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This risk assessment audit tool includes a template for long-term care, home care and community health support, and non-clinical areas.
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In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
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Programs & Services

Programs and Services

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Leading from the Inside Out
Leading from the Inside Out waitlist
Guidelines & Regulations

Guidelines and Regulations

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WorkSafeBC’s healthcare and social services planned inspection initiative focuses on high-risk activities in the workplace that lead to serious injuries and time-loss claims.
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WorkSafeBC is releasing a discussion paper with proposed amendments to the Current Rehabilitation Services and Claims Manual that guide wage rate decisions related to short-term and long-term disability compensation. Recommended amendments include: These changes may affect your claims costs. Click here to view the proposed changes and offer feedback to WorkSafeBC – The deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, […]
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Psychological health and safety in the workplace

Psychological health and safety, often called workplace mental health, encompasses principles and practices to foster a supportive, respectful, and psychologically safe work environment.
Connect with a psychological health and safety coach
Outreach services

Understanding psychological health and safety

Psychological health and safety, often called workplace mental health, encompasses principles and practices to foster a supportive, respectful, and psychologically safe work environment. It focuses on preserving and promoting the mental well-being of all employees while preventing psychological harm. This concept is paramount, especially in the health sector, where work can be demanding and emotionally challenging. Psychological health and safety in the workplace is a critical aspect of overall employee well-being.

What psychological health and safety can include:

  • Preventing psychological harm: Psychological health and safety involves identifying and mitigating factors that can contribute to mental stress, illness, or injury. This includes addressing workplace bullying, harassment, excessive workloads, and inadequate support systems.
  • Promoting mental well-being: It also emphasizes proactively promoting mental well-being among employees. This can be achieved by creating a workplace culture that supports work-life balance, resilience, self-care, and open communication about mental health.
  • Supporting employee resilience: Health sector employers should recognize their employees' unique stressors, including exposure to traumatic events and high-pressure situations. Providing resources for resilience-building and coping strategies is vital.

Application for management in the healthcare sector

Leadership Commitment

Management is crucial in setting the tone for psychological health and safety.

Management is crucial in setting the tone for psychological health and safety. Leadership commitment is essential for creating policies, programs, and initiatives prioritizing mental well-being. Managers should lead by example and champion mental health at all levels.

Policy Development

Develop and implement clear policies and procedures.

Management should develop and implement clear policies and procedures related to psychological health and safety. This includes addressing issues like workplace harassment, providing resources for mental health support, and ensuring that employees know their rights and responsibilities.

Training and Education

Invest in training programs.

Managers should invest in training programs to equip themselves and their employees with the knowledge and skills to identify signs of mental health issues, provide support, and access available resources.

Open Communication

Encourage open and non-stigmatizing communication.

Encouraging open and non-stigmatizing communication is vital. Managers should create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns and seeking help when needed.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Assess the workplace for potential psychological hazards.

The management is responsible for assessing the workplace for potential psychological hazards and evaluating mental health initiatives' effectiveness. Adjustments and improvements should be made based on feedback and data.

Application for employees in the healthcare sector


Actively engage in regular self-care practices to maintain your mental well-being.

Employees should actively engage in self-care practices to maintain their mental well-being. This includes managing stress, seeking social support, practicing work-life balance, and recognizing the signs of burnout.

Report concerns

Report psychological health and safety concerns to your supervisor.

Employees should report psychological health and safety concerns to their supervisors or HR departments. Reporting can help identify issues early and initiate necessary interventions.


Participate in mental health programs, training, and initiatives.

Employees should actively participate in mental health programs, training, and initiatives their organization provides. Their input and feedback can be valuable in shaping these programs to be more effective.

Peer support

Provide and accept emotional support and understanding from your colleagues.

Building a culture of peer support is essential. Colleagues can often provide valuable emotional support and understanding to one another, especially in high-stress environments like the health sector.

In the health sector, where the well-being of both patients and staff is at stake, prioritizing psychological health and safety is not just an ethical obligation but also a fundamental element of providing high-quality care. Management and employees must work together to create a workplace that nurtures mental well-being and ensures everyone can thrive while maintaining their mental health.

Why it's important

  • It enhances employee well-being and resilience.
  • It reduces stress, burnout, and mental health issues.
  • It leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  • It ensures legal compliance and meets national standards.

We are dedicated to providing resources and guidance to help organizations prioritize workplace psychological health and safety.

Our Commitment to Workplace Psychological Health and Safety

We are here to assist organizations in aligning with the national standard set by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Our commitment Includes:

  • Providing comprehensive resources and tools.
  • Offering training and support for leadership and employees.
  • Promoting safe work behaviours and safety leadership at all levels.
  • Advocating for policy development to support the implementation of the national standard
  • Delivering evidence-based solutions to workplace health and safety challenges.
  • Upholding integrity and accountability in all our interactions.
  • Upholding integrity and accountability in all our interactions.
  • Embracing innovation as a catalyst for positive change.
  • Provide organizations with a tailored gap analysis to assess their psychological health and safety and provide a baseline, recommendations, education, and strategies for sustainable change.

We invite organizations to partner with us on this journey toward a mentally healthy and safe workplace.

Our Psychological Health and Safety Policy

At SafeCare BC, we've developed a comprehensive Psychological Health and Safety Policy. This policy outlines our commitment to creating a workplace that prioritizes mental health and safety, aligning with the national standard. This policy covers:

  • Clear objectives for promoting psychological health and safety.
  • Strategies to prevent psychological harm and support employee well-being.
  • A commitment to continuous improvement through feedback and assessment.
  • Employee responsibilities and involvement in the implementation of the policy.

Our Declaration of Collaboration

We proudly declare our commitment to advancing psychological health and safety in the workplace. The Declaration of Commitment to Psychological Health and Safety in Healthcare is a public commitment from health organizations to show that they value their staff's psychological health and safety and commit to taking action to improve their work environments.

In signing, we aim to:

  • Share knowledge and resources to create mentally healthy workplaces.
  • Advocate for policy development that supports psychological health and safety.
  • Collaborate on research and initiatives that drive progress in this vital field.

Join us in this journey toward a safer and healthier workplace for all.

Have questions or concerns about psychological health and safety in your workplace? Don't hesitate to reach out! Our dedicated psychological health and safety coach is here to assist you.

Ask about:

  • Strategies to foster a mentally healthy work environment.
  • Addressing stressors or hazards in your workplace.
  • Implementing the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety.
  • Finding resources and tools tailored to your organization.
  • Psychological Health and Safety consultations or assessments

Your well-being and that of your colleagues matter. Connect with Khalida for guidance and support. Together, we can create a safer, more mentally healthy workplace. Click the chat box to start the conversation.

SafeCare BC's outreach services are crucial in helping our members in the health sector create psychologically healthy and safe workplaces. It follows a systematic process, aligns with the national standard, and provides customized solutions for your organization's unique needs. This proactive approach is essential for promoting employee well-being, preventing psychological harm, and ultimately enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

What we do

Our psychological health and safety in the workplace assessment tool assesses and addresses the psychological well-being of your employees. Using this tool, our service helps your organization identify potential stressors, hazards, and areas of improvement within your work environments that may impact mental health.

Gap analysis

Why it's important

  1. Our service prioritizes proactive measures to promote employee well-being, as a psychologically healthy and safe workplace improves mental health and enhances productivity and job satisfaction.
  2. The assessment process aligns organizations with the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (Psychological Safety Standard), a recognized framework for creating a mentally healthy workplace.
  3. We create personalized solutions by tailoring recommendations and educational resources to meet each organization's unique concerns and needs. This approach ensures that strategies are effective and relevant.

The process

  • Initial contact: We discuss your primary concerns regarding psychological health and safety in the workplace. During this stage, we inform you of the assessment process.
  • Leadership engagement: We meet with the leadership team to educate them about psychological health and safety in the workplace. This helps leaders understand the benefits of fostering a psychologically healthy workplace.
  • JOHSC Committee consultation: We consult with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) to gather insights and perspectives from various stakeholders within the organization.
  • Individual meetings with leaders: We schedule 30-minute meetings to gather their observations, experiences, and concerns about psychological health and safety.
  • Data collection: We collect previous surveys from the last year and the current policy handbook from the organization to review data and obtain relevant information.
  • Site visit: We raise awareness for a site visit and schedule 2-3 days to conduct onsite observations, gather information, engage with frontline workers, and implement the Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace Assessment tool.
  • Action plan: Following the assessment, we provide the organization with an action plan, which includes:
    • Sharing findings (gap analysis)
    • Creating recommendations and a strategy for implementation
    • Providing educational resources and tools tailored to the organization's unique concerns
    • Offering a framework to support psychological health and safety in the workplace
    • Supporting the organization in developing and committing to psychological health and safety in the workplace policy

We commit to continuing support and providing resources as needed as the organization works through its action plan.

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We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.