In a series of training needs assessments conducted by SafeCare BC over the past few years, care providers reported having a lack of training when it came to understanding dementia and how best to provide care. To satisfy this growing demand for dementia education, SafeCare BC, in cooperation with AGE Inc., recently piloted coach training for Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) for SafeCare BC members.
This past week saw eleven participants representing six organizations (including long-term care, community/home care, and independent/assisted living) take the two-day course, all opting to participate in SafeCare BC’s secondment model. This means they will be providing training both within their organization and for other SafeCare BC members. We want to acknowledge the passion these individuals have in expanding their skills in dementia care and educating others.
-Carol Odagiri, Facility Coordinator – WeCare
What is Gentle Persuasive Approach (GPA)?
Gentle Persuasive Approaches uses a person-centred, compassionate and gentle persuasive approach to respond respectfully and with confidence and skill to behaviours associated with dementia.
The objectives of the approach are to:
In the coming year, SafeCare BC will support the roll-out of the Gentle Persuasive Approaches curriculum as part of its strategy to provide dementia care training to workers in the continuing care sector. SafeCare BC is seeking to establish networks of regional GPA coaches who may be used to provide GPA training both within and outside of their organization as part of a secondment.