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Resources & Tools

Resources and Tools

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The Home Care and Community Health Support Pocketbook was created to bring awareness to several health and safety issues faced in home and community care.
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In long-term care it is increasingly apparent that who is on shift is just as important as how many staff are on shift. Quality care is difficult to achieve when we do not routinely engage with one another in a positive, or civil, manner.
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Programs & Services

Programs and Services

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Leading from the Inside Out
Leading from the Inside Out waitlist
Leading from the Inside Out provides a safe space for leaders in continuing care to share their challenges and learn self-care practices.
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The Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum is recognized as best-practice in violence prevention training for health care workers.
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Guidelines & Regulations

Guidelines and Regulations

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The Province has introduced a new masking policy for all healthcare workers who provide direct care effective immediately. Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that […]
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Staff Requirements Visitor Guidance With an increase in viral respiratory illnesses (VRI) across the province, the Ministry of Health has introduced new masking measures to help control the spread of these illnesses. It's important to remember that masking is just one part of a comprehensive infection prevention and control (IPAC) strategy. To enhance your efforts, […]
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Get PSyched! - March 2025

Trauma-Informed Workplaces

Trauma-informed workplaces recognize the prevalence of trauma and take deliberate steps to create an environment that avoids re-traumatization or further trauma to an employee.  

How many people in your workplace do you think have experienced trauma? It might be more than you think. According to Statistics Canada, almost two-thirds of adults in Canada have been exposed to a potentially traumatic event in their life.

Becoming a trauma-informed workplace is just good practice—particularly in healthcare, due to the psychosocial risks inherent to the work. Trauma-informed workplaces recognize the prevalence of trauma and take deliberate steps to create an environment that avoids re-traumatization or further trauma to an employee.  

A trauma-informed approach includes being compassionate while also establishing culture, policies, and practices that recognize and respond to the prevalence of and persistent impact of trauma. The principles of a trauma-informed approach include: 

  • Safety (physical and emotional)
  • Trustworthiness and transparency 
  • Choice 
  • Collaboration and mutuality 
  • Empowerment 

Strategies for Employers: 

  • Educate and train employees to create greater awareness about trauma-informed practice, trauma, and resiliency.   
  • Educate, train, and ensure that there are effective workplace practices to support employees in violence prevention, moral distress, and grief and loss.  
  • Establish clear reporting channels for reporting harassment, discrimination, or other respectful workplace concerns. 
  • Implement workplace initiatives that empower employees and offer them choices and autonomy, as possible. This could include such things as flexible start times or work arrangements, getting input on workplace practices that impact them, or opportunities for skill development. 
  • Encourage and support self-care practices

Strategies for Employees: 

  • Educate yourself about the impacts of trauma and trauma-informed practice. 
  • Report incidents of harassment, discrimination, or other respectful workplace concerns. 
  • Take the opportunity to exercise choice and use your voice in your workplace.  
  • Normalize conversations about workplace stressors, trauma, and coping strategies.  
  • Build personal resiliency by practicing self-care.

Trauma-Informed Workplaces resources

Caring for residents is so much more than a job. It's a journey that touches the heart and forms deep connections with the people you care for. Every shared moment, every smile, every goodbye leaves a mark on your soul.   While grief can sometimes feel overwhelming, it's also an opportunity to find meaning and purpose. […]
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Although the words stress, burnout, and trauma are spoken about more than ever, what exactly do they mean, and what do we do about them? In this 45-minute presentation, Dr Hillary McBride, Registered Psychologist, will provide helpful and accessible information about the nature of stress, burnout, and trauma, including how they are distinguished from each other, and what […]
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Working in caring professions, especially when we are exposed to other people’s trauma, can leave us with our own physical, psychological, and spiritual pain. In this webinar we will briefly look at how being exposed to trauma can affect us and what we can do about it individually and as organizational communities. By the end […]
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Ever felt the weight of a task that demands your all, mentally and socially? That's psychological demands - the gripping anxiety of heavy workloads, looming deadlines, chaotic schedules, and intricate tasks. These various elements can have an impact not only on your professional performance but also on your physical well-being, as emotional demands have been […]
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Learn about the ways trauma and stress can impact healthcare professionals and practice helpful coping strategies in this one-hour discussion about trauma and healthcare.
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Continuing care workers experience violence frequently in the course of their work. Hear about the impact of workplace violence, and the need for caregivers to take care of themselves mentally, so they can take care of others.
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This workshop is designed to provide knowledge, increase understanding, develop ideas and strategies for responding to trauma.
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Workers may experience both vicarious trauma and vicarious resilience at the same time. This webinar explores how to mitigate the impacts of vicarious trauma.
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We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.