The injury rate for SafeCare BC’s long-term care members continues to decline steadily and has dropped to its lowest level. The rate of 7.8 has declined almost 12% compared to five years ago. We are seeing these results through a collective effort and focus on workplace health and safety.
Despite this positive trend, the injury rate in long-term care is still unacceptably high and nearly four times the rate for all occupations in BC. While the total number of claims decreased slightly from the previous year, the total claims costs and total work days lost continue to increase. When looking at the number of work days lost for SafeCare BC members, it’s like having the equivalent of 286 full-time staff off work.
We will continue to work with member organizations to reduce the injury rate further and develop tools and resources, including giving them the know-how to focus on creating or enhancing their return to work/recover at work program. Learn more by checking out our injury trends infographic