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Employers have an obligation to make sure that all workers have the ability to do their jobs safely. Being impaired at work - whether caused by alcohol, drugs, or another source - can affect our ability to focus, make decisions, follow instructions, and handle equipment and tools.
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Guidelines and Regulations

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Amendments to WorkSafeBC’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Part 5: Chemical Agents and Biological Agents – Emergency Planning will be effective between May and June 2024. Read a full summary of the changes. Highlights include: If you have questions about the requirements, contact Jennifer Derksen at or 604-630-5572 ext. 238.
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WorkSafeBC is releasing a discussion paper with proposed amendments to the Current Rehabilitation Services and Claims Manual that guide wage rate decisions related to short-term and long-term disability compensation. Recommended amendments include: These changes may affect your claims costs. Click here to view the proposed changes and offer feedback to WorkSafeBC – The deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, […]
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Healthcare workers in long-term care homes and community care play a pivotal role in the lives of our frail elderly and those living with chronic health conditions. They provide medical assistance, companionship, and support in the tasks of daily living, ensuring their residents have the highest quality of life possible. But what about the quality […]
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The annual Hearts and Hands conference celebrates the work you do every day—and we want everyone in your organization to know about it. You can help spread the word by printing this poster and hanging it around your workplace.  With a great lineup of speakers, prizes to be won, and opportunities to learn new skills, […]
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They may not always be in the spotlight, but support service workers are an essential part of the care team. That’s why we’ve established a day to celebrate their hard work. Please join us today for the second annual Support Services Appreciation Day. There are many things you can do to celebrate this day, but […]
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Member survey results are in
September 10, 2023
SafeCare BC’s mission is to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces – that’s why we always value what our members have to say.
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The injury rate for SafeCare BC’s home care and community health support members continues to show a steady decline. The 2018 rate of 5 compares favourably to the rate of 7 two years ago.
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Multiple regions of British Columbia have been issued air quality advisories due to the wildfires in the interior. With some parts of the province reaching an Air Quality Health Index of 10 or more—very high risk—it’s essential to take proper steps to stay safe, not only for yourself, but the people you provide care for. […]
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PTSD can significantly impact the workplace’s psychological health and safety by compromising someone’s ability to function effectively. PTSD can affect people of all ages and backgrounds and profoundly impact their emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD, but for those who do, the symptoms can be severe and persistent. […]
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WorkSafeBC is requesting feedback for four new policies in the Rehabilitation Services & Claims Manual, Volume II that support the implementation of two new provisions to the Workers Compensation Act (WCA), effective January 1, 2024: the duty to cooperate and the duty to maintain employment.  These changes align with the rights and compensation rules already in place within the Canadian Human […]
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Recently, we dared you to tell us what you think in our member survey. More than 1,000 of you accepted the challenge. Thank you. We created an infographic that shows some of the highlights. There were a few things that stood out. Is your health and safety committee in need of some love? 63% of respondents strongly […]
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We’ve got great news! The highly anticipated Hearts and Hands conference for healthcare assistants is returning to three locations—Langley, Kelowna, and Victoria. The event’s goals are to CELEBRATE, EDUCATE, and INSPIRE. With fascinating education sessions, engaging speakers, fun activities, and an incredible sense of community, you won’t want to miss this event. The conferences are in October, […]
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WorkSafeBC approved amendments
June 22, 2023
Amendments to Part 3, Rights and Responsibilities, in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) will come into effect November 1, 2024. Last April, WorkSafeBC released a discussion paper highlighting the amendments. Sections 3.14 to 3.21 and Schedule 3-A state the occupational first aid requirements for workplaces. Since the current requirements were introduced, there has been the development […]
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We are pleased to announce that WorkSafeBC is again supporting the Hearts and Hands conference, as our Founding Partner. We are appreciative of WorkSafe’s long-time support of this event. Recognizing the limited educational opportunities for healthcare assistants, WorkSafe founded the first Hearts and Hands conference in 2015, with the help of a small group of […]
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We strive to empower those working in the continuing care sector to create safer, healthier workplaces by fostering a culture of safety through evidence-based education, leadership, and collaboration.