Tailored Outreach Program

Since its inception in 2018, 38 organizations have participated in TOP and completed a gap analysis. Of these, 36 organizations were in Long Term Care, and two were from Community Health Support Services. In 2023, eight sites participated in the program – the highest number since the program was introduced in 2018.

The Tailored Outreach Program (TOP) has been a catalyst for change among various organizations within the care sector, revealing the untapped potential of resources offered by SafeCare BC. Through their participation in TOP, many organizations have discovered a wealth of health and safety support and consultative services provided by SafeCare BC, leading to increased regular engagement for further assistance and guidance.

A noteworthy development from TOP's influence is the growing interest among some organizations in obtaining COR certification. Viewing TOP as a vital resource, these organizations are keen on identifying and bridging the gaps in their health and safety programs to meet the stringent requirements for certification.
The participation of two large entities overseeing multiple care homes in 2023 highlighted TOP's role in offering a comprehensive overview of safety programs, both at individual locations and the corporate level. This involvement has opened up new avenues for these organizations to enhance their health and safety protocols.

Moreover, TOP has significantly improved participants' understanding of the critical benefits of effective health and safety programs. This newfound awareness has even led one organization to consider developing a business case for hiring a dedicated professional to address their workplace's health and safety needs.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing have been other positive outcomes of the program, with two participants exchanging best practices, especially regarding health and safety committee activities and meetings. Such initiatives have proven instrumental in fostering greater workplace engagement and a more robust organizational culture.

The program has also been a bridge-building exercise, establishing solid relationships between SafeCare BC and the participating organizations. Many of them had previously limited interactions with SafeCare BC. Still, their involvement in TOP in 2023 has marked the beginning of a more collaborative and interactive partnership to prioritize health and safety within the care sector. This partnership is poised to continue growing, benefiting members through exchanging knowledge, resources, and support.

Supporting wellness through healthy, safe, and injury-free workplaces.

SafeCare BC strives to empower those working in BC's continuing care sector to create a safety culture through evidence-based education, advocacy for safer workplaces, leadership, and collaboration.
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